Thursday, October 1, 2009

Don't Junk Up The Earth!

Well! I thought. To trash up the earth with plastic junk! You have probably seen our other paragraph. No, we can not live without plastic entirely. But, we could throw all our trash in dustbins and recycle some types of plastic . THink think think. Have you ever gone out in the morning and smelt a weird smell? That is a pollution cloud sweeping so low that it reaches your nose.We keep on thinking of gifts like plastic drums,cheap plastic mechanical birds, and so on. So instead why not make a dish for your best friend's birthday party? You are easily saving mother earth;one step at a time.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Earth-Friendly Gift Ideas...

- Bake a nice dish and gift it for birthdays and festivals
- Make a salt-dough basket or other item , paint it, and give it to a friend
- Gift an orgami animal or maybe make an origami box
- Find some reeds and weave them together, make a potholder
- Sew a dress or a hat for your friend's doll
- Make a corn-husk doll
- Gift your friend a plant

Monday, June 29, 2009

Can we live without plastic toys?

Can we live without plastic toys? Well, maybe not entirely. But we could do a lot better by minimizing the number of useless plastic toys that we buy, such as birthday party favors like these kazoos , hamburger yo-yos, or magnifying glasses. Look at this page for an entire listing of such toys that end up littering your house, straight in the land fill, or even worse - in the ocean where they eventually find their way to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. No, we aren't kidding - much of that plastic does find its way into the ocean and ends up killing birds and fish, and even worse, could end up as toxic chemicals that find their way into the food we eat.

So what's the alternative? Little Star offers eco-friendly goodie bags, including some for under $5. They also offer an entire "Eco-Party in a Box". Even if that doesn't fit your budget, the next time you throw a birthday party for your kid or get someone a gift, try buying earth-friendly toys or favors instead.